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Service and support

Assembly service

Our assembly service offers you a wide range of services:

  • Small parts assembly
  • Assembly of components
  • Manual assembly
  • Finishing and assembly of displays or other products
  • Packaging, packing and labeling of your goods
  • Electrical assembly including soldering, such as wiring LED lights
  • Finishing of finished parts, deburring, cleaning and grinding

With our assembly and packaging services, you can be sure that your products will be assembled professionally and reliably Our experienced technicians all use their expertise to provide you with superior work.

Let us handle your assembly and fabrication needs and save you time and resources.

We are also happy to provide other services and outsourcing tasks for you, such as contract packing, picking, labeling, etc.

Dienstleistungen, Montageservice, Lohnverpackung, Outsourcing